How to use brand guidelines effectively


In essence, brand guidelines are straightforward rules dictating how to consistently apply every aspect of a brand. Designers receive a comprehensive outline detailing colours, fonts, logos, and usage.

Familiarise yourself before starting

It’s advisable to thoroughly read brand guidelines before diving into a project. It is essential to understand the brand’s look and feel beforehand.

Understand when to challenge guidelines

While guidelines offer direction, they’re not rigid rules. Creative adaptation within the guidelines’ framework is preferable. Push back only as a last resort.

Offer suggestions

Respecting guidelines is crucial, but suggesting enhancements which align with the brand can be beneficial, depending on the client and project.

Embrace creativity

Don’t let guidelines stifle creativity; be cautious that creative changes are justified and aligned with the brand’s identity.

Work methodically

Adhering to guidelines involves understanding and internalising them, often with systematic checks and balances within the studio.

Maximise software features

Utilising software features like Adobe CCs shared libraries to incorporate brand colours and other vital elements.

Utilise appropriate tools

Software such as Canva can streamline adherence to brand guidelines by facilitating the integration of brand assets and styles.

Seek clarification

Seeking clarification by asking questions early in the design process when guidelines are complex or unclear.

In summary

While brand guidelines are essential for maintaining consistency and recognisability, they should not stifle creativity. Instead, designers should use them to guide innovative expression within a brand’s boundaries.

Why is branding important?

Express pride and passion

A considered and well-designed brand demonstrates pride in your company and reputation and a passion for the service you provide.

Connect with your audience

A powerful and consistent brand image will resonate with your audience to help build trust, repeat business and recommendations.

Demonstrate direction

Demonstrate your vision and values, evolving as your company progresses. A brand should be adaptive and proactive to show you’re current.

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How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.