Champion & Action Group Collateral for Business South


Making profitable and valuable connections for leaders in the Central South is what Business South stands for. It supports the prosperity of the region by attracting more business, more investment and the brightest talent.

To showcase the very best of Business South, Glow has been working with its team to design standout pieces of literature for its Champion, Action Groups and Sponsorship Opportunities.

The style we’ve used for the marketing collateral is contemporary and corporate, with fresh illustrative icons, modern fonts and clever use of stock imagery. We’re advocates of white space, so have allowed plenty of space for the documents to breathe, which entices readership and engagement.

Business South Sponsorship Opportunities Sheet

Business South accomplishes its goals by bringing together business leaders, educators, public bodies and entrepreneurs to create a dominant and powerful force for change and growth. And Glow is very much an integral part of this vision.

As a Champion member ourselves, and with our own MD, Lisa Lavis, the Chair of the Business South Lifestyle & Culture Action Group, Glow has seen first-hand the great achievements of Business South and the tangible benefits of being involved.

It’s the connections you meet that fundamentally make Business South a brilliant organisation. And this isn’t just for business development – although naturally that happens – it’s the insight, intel and knowledge regarding our region. It’s policy knowledge from Westminster, green & sustainable initiatives, regeneration plans, maritime, digital strategies and much more. And with this knowledge it helps every Champion member flourish too.

Lisa Lavis, Managing Director, Glow, says:

“Being the Chair of the Lifestyle and Culture Action Group helps provide a platform for my passion of looking after our people. Lifestyle & culture is, to me, the bedrock of business. It fuels imagination, creativity, action and enjoyment. All of which are essential elements of building growth and prosperity.”

Glow also works with Business South to create stunning designs for e-shots, event literature, exhibition stands and annual reviews. You can read about one of its fabulous and gorgeous yearly events, The Local Produce Show, on a previous Glow blog.

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How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.