The three minute strategy hack 👏


As we fly through our days, celebrating small wins like remembering to eat (healthily 😘), it’s easy to forget the bigger picture; the strategy, the direction, our vision of the business.

And I get it, actions need actioning, meetings need attending, curve balls need solutions. But while we’re head down, action driven, if we fail to constantly stay in tune with the why, all of our hard work will be in vain.

Strategy Hack:

My tip for staying strategy focused is to take ‘3 minutes x 3 times a day’ to stop & do nothing (I know, madness hey 😘). To look out of the window, go for a quick walk, pause in your car before darting out, and just check in.

✨What’s our strategy?
✨Does what I’m currently doing align with this?
✨What does the rest of my week look like?
✨What can I do differently today?

This was one of my 3 minutes last week in Wickham. If I hadn’t of stopped I’d have missed this view. Gorgeous isn’t it! 👏✨.

Do you have a strategy hack of your own? We’d love you to share!

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