Anti-idling campaign for Knights Brown


One of our most proactive clients, Knights Brown is a shining example of what good internal communications is all about. Ever conscious of its output, Knights Brown wanted to launch an anti-idling campaign to cut out any unnecessary idling by vehicles and machinery.

Knights Brown approached Glow to create material to support this campaign, requesting a leaflet, a series of posters and vehicle stickers to enforce the important message and encourage its employees to pledge to take action.

Knights Brown were keen for an illustrated approach, including machinery and vehicles used on site so that the designs were relevant and relatable, rather than generic. We loved this idea and opted for a blend of vector-based and hand drawn images.

The leaflet and posters are jam packed with powerful facts and statistics about climate change, pollution, health and economics. We thought we’d share some of these:

  • Air pollution is the fourth greatest risk to public health in the UK, after cancer, heart disease and obesity.
  • Air pollution results in up to 36,000 deaths in the UK every year.
  • Air pollution causes 15 – 30% of all new cases of childhood asthma.
  • Leaving the engine running when stationary creates 20 times more air pollution than when driving at 30 mph.

Knights Brown Anti-idling campaign Knights Brown Anti-idling campaign Knights Brown Anti-idling campaign Knights Brown Anti-idling campaign
Aside from its anti-idling campaign, Knights Brown actively take steps for climate and nature with its climate action strategy, Goal 13, pushing it towards net zero. It’s objective:

“To transition to net zero, accelerating progress to significantly reduce carbon emissions by 2030 in line with a science-based target pathway, compensating for residual emissions through potential high-impact climate and nature actions that deliver long-lasting, quality results alongside environmental and social benefits.”

You can read more about its Goal 13 strategy here (also designed by Glow). It’s reasons like this that we love working with the team at Knights Brown.

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Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.