Business Leaders Breakfast – Boat Show Briefing


I was delighted to attend the Business Leaders Breakfast today, held at the Southampton Boat Show, hosted by Business South. And the sun shone, yey!

It was a brilliant opportunity to catch up with Business South Champions, associates and meet new leaders of the South too.

The panel speakers, from leading maritime and marine organisations in the South provided a fascinating discussion; and there were two key issues facing the sector:

  • Skills shortages
  • Decarbonisation

These are multi-faceted issues but by pulling together I know we can all help create impactful solutions. As a starter here’s a few ideas I thought about post breakfast:

Employers of the future to consider:

  • Care days (days off to look after the old / young or in-between)
  • Exercise sessions set up and paid for by the employers (employing their own fitness expert too!)
  • Providing a designated work / life coach for all employees
  • Charity days off
  • Supplying healthy food, snacks and fresh fruit every day
  • Removing the 9-5 model altogether

It’s not just about WFH, there is so much more we can do to empower and motivate the young, existing and returners to work.


We all know we can do more, so for starters I’d like to see more of us use the trains opposed to driving. It can take longer but the time rewards you get back (in sorting your admin and working on your strategy pays off) 🙂

Great event Business South, thank you!

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