Business South Promotional Banners


We’ve been busy producing a set of Business South promotional pull up banners for the Business Innovation South Expo, which took place on 12th September.

This event is the South’s first large-scale expo bringing together companies from within the science, technology, engineering and business innovation sectors showcasing the latest products and services available to businesses across the region.

The banners focus on two of Business South’s Action Groups – Luxury South and Digital South. As well as the banners featuring the new branding we recently created for these groups, they focus on striking imagery and minimalist design elements.

At Glow, we love sourcing exceptional stock imagery, which we feel catches the eye and perfectly encompasses the message of the copy. It’s trickier than you may think to find an image which visually summarises the categories of ‘Luxury’ and ‘Digital’, whilst also featuring complementary colours to the brand and not forgetting being large enough to scale up for print!

We are in the midst of also creating a third banner for the Cruise and Port Business South Action Group, which will also be used as an important marketing tool for future events.

Business South Action Group Luxury

Business South Action Group Digital

What is an Action Group?

Business South has created a way for the business voice and expertise to be heard through input in their 5 Action Groups.

Businesses identify key areas to address, resulting in the establishment of Action Groups to tackle these challenges. They are a meeting of interested and committed business leaders who like to get things done. By developing ideas together through an Action Group, the business community can address particular issues or better engage with the planning process and local government.

Click here to find out more about the creation of the Action Group brands.

About Business South

Business South is the premier business engagement organisation in the South. Its vision is to grow the Economy of the region by:

  • Connecting Business Leaders
  • Articulating Business Voice
  • Lobbying and Influencing
  • Promoting the region to attract talent, new business and more investment
  • Equipping start up and early stage businesses with the tools to survive and grow

What it provides:

  • A programme of Exclusive Champion Events
  • Membership of Five sector specific Action Groups
  • Support and recognition of CSR and Responsible Businesses
  • Collaborative working on regional issues
  • Communications and Marketing Support to Champions

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How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.