Chilworth Construction Management Social Media Support


We have been supporting Chilworth Construction Management with its social media content, creating stylised graphics and accompanying text for LinkedIn and Twitter posts.

After recently designing and building CCM’s brand new website, Glow was tasked with continuing to build and improve on the business’ online presence. We have been creating regular posts to extend the reach of CCM’s audience, as well as promoting its new content rich site and all of the hot topics relating to the business.

Most recently we have produced graphics to convey the different sustainability sectors CCM operates in, these being, Energy from Waste, Biomass, Anaerobic Digestion and Plastics Recycling. CCM’s vision is to become the first carbon neutral management company, it is focused on reducing the business’ carbon footprint, using natural resources, reducing toxic materials, managing waste, and supporting reforestation and restoration of any natural harm already done. It’s an ambitious task but one the team are all fully behind.

All of the graphics we design are cohesive with the new brand styling we have implemented throughout the website. This is vital to build a strong, identifiable and consistent brand identity. Graphics are a great way to make social media posts much more interesting and engaging, whilst helping to increase the level of audience interaction. Here at Glow, we have also found that incorporating photos of your team in action or working on exciting initiatives provides great content and generally results in a highly positive response.

We have also provided the copy for the CCM social posts, extracting content from the new site and adapting it to work for the tone and character limit of the different social platforms.

CCM Social Posts

If you want to push your social media content and increase your audience reach, Glow is here to help!

About CCM

Chilworth Construction Management (CCM) is owned and operated by its Directors, who have extensive construction experience.

The team like to push the boundaries of the norm and are passionate about changing the direction of the construction industry for the better. From the Directors’ vision to become the first carbon neutral construction company to the refreshing alternative approach to delivering projects, they get things done safely, on time, at minimum cost to the client.

Latest blogs

How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.