How a Design Agency Can Save You Time and Money


We may be a bit biased, but here are our top reasons why working with a design agency saves you not only time, but money too!

Top Creative Talent

When working with a design agency, you’re choosing to work with a team of skilled professionals, people specifically selected for their design talents who do this day-n, day-out and who live and breathe it. Let’s also not forget the rest of the agency who are often skilled in copywriting, marketing, project management, and even strategy.

Remember, an agency has already selected their ‘A-team’, and has already done the hard work of finding those employees.

Reduce Your Outgoings

When hiring an employee in-house, not only do they require a salary, there is also a whole heap of other expenses including holiday, sick leave, taxes and insurance. Using an agency frees up your overhead costs to be put towards your marketing budget, thus improving your reach and making you more money. Win, win.

Fresh Ideas

An agency is made up of a variety of extremely creative people, all with fresh ideas and new approaches; creative problem solvers. It’s easy, and understandable, for an in-house team to be blind-sided by the brand and campaigns can become repetitive. Agencies are always happy to work alongside in-house creatives and throwing an agency into the mix can really spice up the creativity.

Support and Consistency

So you already have an in-house designer? What happens when they’re off sick or on holiday? What if they’re over worked and campaigns are falling behind? And, how do you retain them?

A design agency can provide a support network so projects will never be missed, and with set standards and designers familiar with brand guidelines, work produced will be consistent with your brand.

The Right Design Agency For You?

It’s vital to your business to work with a design agency that suits your needs and the way you work. You need to consider:

  • Whether they hold the same or similar values. Always make sure that their approach to business is complementary to yours.
  • What size businesses and types of industry do they work with?

Do they have experience in what you’re looking for, or could previous experience transfer to your needs. Are they used to working to tight deadlines and quick turnarounds, or maybe larger, long-term projects?

  • Scope out the services the agency offers, does the agency offer what you’re looking for?
  • Lastly, do you get on with them? Working relationships are so important, so make sure they understand how you work and that you can communicate clearly with one another. It’s something that does come with time, but sometimes you just know whether something is right or not!

At Glow, we’re an agency with 18 years of experience, and like to think our clients see us as part of their team. Even if we’re not sat directly in their office, we’re always just an email, phone call or visit away!

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How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.