We’re Talking Branding This Week


Branding: Quickfire question…Can you name a brand?

Chances are, you thought of a big, global, consumer brand. A brand that you feel you have a connection with, or that you aspire to have in your life.

While the word ‘brand’ may have initially made you think of a logo you, inevitably, quickly moved on to how that brand makes you feel and the experiences you’ve had with it. And that’s what it is all about – what emotions it provokes and the connotations you have with that brand.

A passion for brands

We adore branding projects here at The Glow Studio, it’s our passion, and we know that they involve so much more than simply creating a new logo (although even that isn’t always easy).

Client Brands

We’re constantly working on new brands for our clients. We’ve got a few in development right now, but being the professionals that we are, we couldn’t possibly share their identities with you – not until it’s all signed off and they’ve launched them – then we’ll be shouting it from the roof tops.

We are, however, free to talk about a couple of the branding projects already completed, which you can view in more detail on our portfolio.

Knights Brown

Glow was tasked with coming up with a new name and brand identity for this construction company at the end of 2016. And we couldn’t be prouder of the end result; a brand identity that reflects the company’s heritage and values and looks so striking and recognisable on all their deliverables. The new brand launched on 1 September 2017 and continues to bring in new projects for us. From the logo and literature to extensive brand guidelines and a new website, we are so proud of everything we’ve delivered. It’s involved a lot of teamwork with the Knights Brown team (we called ourselves TEAM KB) and a lot of detailed project management. Do take a look at our portfolio piece to find out more about the project, but also be sure to check our their website – designed and built by The Glow Studio!

Knights Brown Rebrand: Branding project

Speech Academy

A smaller project, but no less of a transformation. We were approached by Speech Academy to create a brand that demonstrated professionalism and approachability.

What may appear a simple logo, took time to whittle down concepts, refine typefaces and colour palettes and ensure that the speech bubble is positioned perfectly.

Speech Academy Logo: Branding Project

Glow’s branding

We’ve even refreshed our own Glow brand this year (watch our brand launch video, if you haven’t seen it yet).  It was 8 years since the last refresh and we thought our logo was looking a little dated and didn’t reflect the company we’ve become, or the direction we’re heading.

Lisa B, one of our Glow designers, created our new brand. LB, as she’s known in the studio, lives for a rebrand project and her initial excitement was great but, in her own words:

“This was the hardest brand design I’ve ever completed!”

I’m sure Lisa would agree that it began as a project of love, and by the time it was finished, she had developed a lot of empathy for our clients…and we ended up with a fab new brand identity that fits The Glow Studio perfectly.

What may look like a quick update, is actually much, much more. To summarise into its simplest form, LB undertook:

  • A brand analysis of our existing logo
  • Market and competitor research
  • Selecting new typefaces – including a customised ‘G’
  • Refining our colour palette (Our trademark pink remains but our colour palette has been updated and gradients introduced)
  • Updating our website
  • Introducing the new brand across all stationery and templates

So, if you’re in need of a new brand or brand identity, you know where to come!

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How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.