Glow’s 2020 Wrapped Up – 1 Second a Day Video!


We’ve been looking back over 2020 (in video form). In January of this year, we decided to start a ‘1 Second Everyday’ video to capture Glow life throughout the year. Little did we know what was to come! Each day we took a short clip, featuring the team, projects we’ve worked on, studio life and of course working from home. On our final week before wrapping up for Christmas festivities, we complied all of the clips on the 1 Second Everyday app to create a brilliant montage of 2020. What a year this has been!

We’ve been sharing each month’s worth of snippets in our monthly E-shot, ‘The Glow-Down’, so it was exciting this week to see the whole year captured in one video. This year has undoubtedly been tough and just outright strange, but it was great to reflect on the highlights, as well as everyday moments throughout 2020. We’re really grateful for all of the support we’ve received this year from our wonderful clients, suppliers and friends of Glow. Here’s to hoping 2021 shines a little brighter.

About the app

 1 Second Everyday is a video journal that makes it easy for people around the world to create meaningful movies that include every day of their lives.

At Glow, we have absolutely loved using this app, as it is easy to navigate and provides all of the tools needed to create a really personal and reflective movie. It has also provided us with great visual content for our digital platforms. We’re hoping to start afresh with a new video in 2021!

1 Second Everyday started in 2011, when video and VFX artist Cesar Kuriyama decided to take a year off from work to spend more time with family and friends and see the country on a 95-day road trip. To document the year, Cesar began recording short snippets of video every day, which he compiled into a six-minute video to encapsulate that entire year of his life.

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Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.