Optimising Your Best Content for Social Media


Creating high-quality content for social media, that will encourage engagement from your audience is vital but can be a challenge. At Glow, we plan out our social media content weeks, if not months in advance. We commit ourselves to writing blogs, sharing our portfolio and keeping our website up to date. However, we understand and sympathise, it’s difficult to find the time to do so, especially during busy periods.

However, there are plenty of ways to take your existing content you’ve already created, and repurpose in a new format. This means you’ll always have new things to share, even if the message you’re sharing is rehashed.

Here are our top tips to optimise your best content for social media:

Create a video

If you have a blog jam-packed with information why not turn it into a video? We’re not talking all a high-end production with fancy graphics and special effects (although if you want that – we can help), a standard webcam or even your phone will do, film yourself talking through the key messages. It will engage those that prefer to watch rather than read, add a personal touch to your social media and hopefully encourage engagement.

Create a series of social media updates with snippets

If you’ve created a post previously with lots of stats and statistics or suggestions, why not pull these out and share as a ‘top tip’ or a ‘did you know?’ update. They’re short, interesting and easy to share.


Utilise trending hashtags to re-share a previous post. We recommend sharing a previous post that happened at least over a month prior. You don’t want to spam your feed with a post people have only just seen. It’s a way to remind and refresh.

Update imagery

Often written content can remain valid and interesting for a long time. Consider refreshing a blog, post or website by updating the imagery paired with the content. This will help to draw the reader in.

Utilise stories

Use a social media story to attract attention to an old blog or post. You can include a short summary or ask the viewer a question – if it captivates them, they’ll be more likely to interact.

Switch up your titles

Try reposting an old blog using a new title. Consider using engaging and impactful language to grab the readers attention.


These are all simple actions that can help you keep your social media and online presence current and active. And, when you find you have a little more time to create new content, read some of other Glow blogs which may help:


Latest blogs

How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.