Go! Southampton Recovery Plan for the City Centre


This week, we have created a recovery plan timeline for Go! Southampton which outlines the future for the City Centre.

The document shows the 4-stage recovery plan, highlighting Go! Southampton’s response throughout the crisis and pre-recovery phases, how it’s assisting the levy payers through the current recovery period and plans for transforming the city in the future.

As a vast majority of sectors and businesses can now safely reopen in the city, Go! Southampton wanted to support all of the levy payers, by helping them through lockdown and into successfully and safely trading again.

Life for the GO! team has not stopped. They have been working extremely hard to adapt and react to the ongoing crisis, finding the most effective ways to support Southampton businesses.

As Go! Southampton has already done so much and plan to do significantly more still, the biggest challenge was incorporating a large amount of information into such a small document. All whilst ensuring the plan appeared coherent and well-designed. Taking influence from the original COVID-19 awareness campaign we created for the Go! team at the beginning of the lockdown, we developed the design over a bright timeline with the incorporation of vector illustrations.

To accompany the printed document, Glow also produced a series of digital elements to annotate the web page, which contain more information about each point. Upon receiving the printed document, the user would be encouraged to go online to find out more if they wanted to.

Go! Southampton City Centre Recovery Plan

About Go! Southampton

Go! Southampton is the Business Improvement District (BID) for Southampton City Centre. Working in partnership with local stakeholders, the BID’s ultimate aim is to realise Southampton’s potential as a world-class city, which will in turn benefit residents, visitors and – most of all – the businesses that fund it.

Glow has been working with the team at Go! for two years, in this time we have designed multiple campaigns for its seasonal events that aim to increase footfall across the city, including Seaside in the Square, Christmas in Southampton and The Ghost Trail to name a few.

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