Thorngate Churcher Website


We recently completed a website for Thorngate Churcher, a community charity embedded in Gosport, providing much needed housing with support for older people.

The website needed to be easy to read and clear to navigate as it is primarily for people wanting to enquire about housing and those looking for care. They also wanted a strong push on recruitment and encourage carers to apply for jobs.

Thorngate Churcher were keen to showcase its heritage, but also that it is a modern, forward thinking company. The design needed to be friendly and aspirational to encourage the audience to think “I’d like to live here” or “I’d like my relative to live here”.

We suggested a colour palette that has a high-end feel, using deep blues and purples, but paired with bright colours for a friendly and approachable feel. The supporting colours have pastel undertones for a calming but bright aesthetic.

We also added in feature story sections to showcase both the residents and staff to show it is not only a great place to live, but also work. It added a nice personal feel to the design.

We even created a custom-drawn map of the local area to show key points of interest such as bus routes, stops and shops in locations to all Thorngate Churcher sites.

Thorngate Churcher Website Thorngate Churcher Website Thorngate Churcher Website Thorngate Churcher Website

About Thorngate Churcher

Thorngate Churcher Trust operates 124 warden supported, sheltered flats for assisted living, and a 44 bed care home offering residential care for the frail elderly and for those living with dementia.

In addition to providing great homes, onsite support to help people live independently, and its own maintenance team, they also seek to expand sympathetically where they can to meet the growing need and this is reflected in their strategy of building more homes in the future.

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Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.