Walkie Talkie: Outdoor Meeting with Glow


As the 8th of March approaches and restrictions on outdoor socialising eases, the team at Glow is excited to introduce our new initiative, ‘Walkie Talkie’.

Walkie Talkie is Glow’s new take on a meeting style which has been around for many years and popular by many, especially in America. In 2015 Harvard Business Review wrote about how to do walking meetings right and until now, it probably isn’t something we have all done much of.  Bonkers really, as it oozes so many benefits! At Glow we want to harness the health benefits of being outside with being productive and meeting our clients and associates too. A walk, chat, coffee and a chance to unplug.

We have always advocated making time in our day to leave our screens and over the last year with the increase of Zoom Booms, we’ve been pushing this even more. When creative block or email overload strikes, getting outside, even for ten minutes significantly increases our productivity, every time. And it doesn’t have to be all about walking either. Wickham, where Glow’s office is based, is located on the doorstep of the beautiful water meadows, and just sitting, taking five minutes boosts our creative thinking.

Team Glow are big believers of work and life being just one and our Walkie Talkie initiative embraces this even further. At the core of our culture and values is wellbeing and we all encourage each other to leave our desks, go for a walk, read a book, or sit in the sunshine. It is so powerful for our minds and we always come back to the office with a different perspective or great new idea to pursue. And from March 8th we are inviting our clients and associates to join us too!

Wickham Water Meadows Walkie Talkie Initiative

Here are some great reasons why outdoor meetings work:

Inspire creativity

You’re more creative and productive in your thought processes and not hampered by your surroundings when walking outdoors.

Boost energy levels

A series of studies by the University of Rochester in New York showed that being outside in nature for just 20 minutes was enough to significantly lift people’s vitality levels.

Nature relieves stress and anxiety

The mental health benefits of going for a walk can last for up to seven hours.

Personal conversations are easier

Sitting directly across a table from someone can be quite formal and physical activity helps to provide perspective, thought and a chance to relax.


So, if you’ve missed physically meeting people for a meeting, book your Walkie Talkie today.

We cannot wait to be able to see our clients in person again, outside in the fresh air, feeling energised and inspired!

Wickham Water Meadows Walkie Talkie Initiative    Wickham Water Meadows Walkie Talkie Initiative

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