The Glow Studio’s 7 Top Tips for New Bloggers


Blogs are a great way to share your knowledge and experiences, whether that be personal or in business.

At Glow, we aim to keep our blog filled with our latest projects, studio happenings and packed with useful information to help our clients and followers. It shows we are experienced, digitally active and provides us with great content to share on social media.

So, without further ado here are our top tips to help you on your blogging journey.

  1. Write about what inspires you
    Choose a topic you’re passionate about. It will come across if you’re writing for the sake of writing. Passion and interest will evoke similar emotions in the reader.
  2. Choose an interesting title
    Select a title that people are going to want to click on. Consider a relatable question or a dramatic statement. If you’re writing tips or points, an unusual number shows you’ve considered each point and are not just trying to reach a set target. Did you notice this blog title?
  3. Don’t follow the crowd
    Write in your own style, with your own thoughts and opinions. People will read blogs not only to be informed, but also to be entertained or even challenged on their own ideas.
  4. Have a list of ideas
    Even if you don’t get around to writing a blog that day, week or even year, make a note of your idea. It will inspire you and make the process easier when you are ready to sit down and write.
  5. Break up your text
    Breaking up content using paragraphs and headings ensures your blog is easy to read and helps search engines understand what your post is about, meaning you are more likely to rank higher in search results.
  6. Keep on topic
    Always remember your topic, it’s easy to stray off on a tangent, so stay focused.
  7. Just write
    Sometimes the prospect is more daunting than actually writing the blog. Start by writing pointers and then develop, it will soon start flowing.

Want more blog tips? Check out some of our other blogs:

Latest blogs

How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.