Our New and Exciting Sustainability Focused ‘Grow’ Initiative


We’ve been working on a new and exciting section on our website titled, ‘Our Grow Initiatives’. Sprouting from a multitude of eco-focused changes and actions implemented at our studio, ‘Grow’ acts as our sustainability focused sub-brand.

The webpage details what the initiatives are about, whilst demonstrating the actions we have taken and continue to drive forward. It also features various relevant blogs written by one of Glow’s graphic designers’, Amy, who is particularly passionate about environmental issues.

We will be keeping the webpage up to date with ideas and tips we’ve discovered from our own journey to become a greener business, as well as producing regular evergreen and topical blogs.

Grow Webpage

One of our main Grow initiatives, is our involvement with innovative recycling company, Teracycle. Back in 2019, we signed up to be a drop-off location for Terracycle’s confectionery scheme. This means you (as an individual, household or workplace) can drop off your confectionery packaging to us and we will then send to Terracycle to avoid landfill and be transformed into new products – how clever is that!

We also then earn money through this process for our charity of choice ‘Surfers Against Sewage’, a fantastic UK based non-profit, which fight plastic pollution and protect the ocean and its wildlife.

Other actions we have taken so far include, setting up commercial recycling for the business (and our office neighbours), sourcing more sustainable and ethical office and cleaning supplies, reusing paper, packaging and repurposing wherever possible, taking shredded paper to our local animal shelter for small animal bedding, buying in bulk to save on plastic waste, as well as many other small steps. We’re also keen to assist our clients to become more environmentally conscious.

One of our major aims for 2021 is to become a Certified B Corporation, this is a goal we will be working towards in the coming months. Keep an eye out for a blog soon to come which delves further into this topic.

Check out the new ‘Our Grow Initiatives’ page here.

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How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.