Top Tips for Cleansing Your Digital Presence


It’s the perfect time to review your digital presence, a chance to take time out and consider how you want to portray your business to an external audience. Here are 5 tips to get you started on your online and digital cleanse:

1. Update your website

Block out some time (even just 30 minutes -you’ll get through loads) to review each page on your website. All content on your site should be current. Consider the services you offer, have these changed over time? Is your news or blog section up to date? If you have a team page, has there been growth or a change in personnel? This should all be updated regularly. Find out 8 Ways to Improve Your Website Content.

2. Plan your social media

2021 is the year to create a social media plan. Think about topics you’d like to discuss, consider events over the year and set out time each week to spend on your social profiles. And while you’re at it, make sure your cover photos, bios and contact details are all up to date. You want to make sure your presence is consistent throughout all of your business profiles. Read our blog 7 Ways a Business Can Improve its Social Media Presence.

3. Update your Google Business Listing

The new year is a great time to make sure all your listings (Google,, etc.) are up to date. Check that your branding reflects your current approach, that your services are relevant and that your opening hours and contact details are correct. Make sure your profile is claimed and then take it a step further by optimising your listing:

  • Populate the Q&A section of your profile with frequently asked questions
  • Add some images or a video that showcase your business
  • Ask clients/customers for a Google review
  • And make sure to respond to all reviews

4. Refresh your email signature

Perhaps add in a new, thoughtful message to your email signature, or go that extra mile and create an eye-catching graphic. You could link this to a news item, a social media business account or any information you want to promote. Request that everyone in your team also uses the email signature, to help convey a strong brand message cohesively as a company.

5. Delete content that doesn’t reflect your brand

A brand can change a lot in a year. Review old posts and consider if they still convey the correct brand message. Something which may have been relevant before, may not work now. Don’t be afraid to cleanse and delete.


Here’s to creating a great digital presence.



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