How we solve our client needs


It is simple really, and what we all strive for; to find a partnership that delivers a quality service, is easy to work with and who are experts in their field.

For a partner company to achieve this, however, takes experience, process, and strong values, practiced daily.

So, take a breath, we’ve (all) got this.

We draw on our experience

Our CEO & Founder, Lisa Lavis has worked with senior leadership teams for 28 years.

The studio team – Lisa Barnett and Mark Burnell – are both incredibly knowledgeable, with collectively over 38 years’ experience. Our Head of Communications, Laura Hawtin, now living in Texas, USA, has a wealth of experience working with FTSE 100 companies. We have worked with global conglomerates, fast growing sme’s and national treasures. We have had the pleasure (and pain at times 😉) of working with every type of person; we have witnessed the frustrations, and the stress. And at the core of this, we get you!

Having worked in the Marketing Communications arena for years, we understand the pressure points. We know how mar comms needs to have the ability to build long term strategies while simultaneously executing the ‘in and out in a day’ creative campaigns. We are pros at being fluid and shifting our work priorities and deadlines, often by the minute and hour. If an A&E department was a creative studio, this is us.

Many projects which come into the studio are considered and well briefed. But even these are not free from problems, tight timescales, and worries. And there is – of course too, the nature of business – the panic, rush jobs that get the adrenaline pumping, and require us to pull out all stops and long hours, with precision, pace, and good grace.

Whether it is a strategic creative plan, curated over many weeks or a landing page needed in 24 hours, Glow has the expertise to deliver.

We are process and emotionally driven

For a fast-paced service agency like Glow, our multi-skilled team is essential. Keeping us match fit and in tip top condition is at the bedrock of our success. How we do this is multi-faceted and unique to every team member. We all have individual family set ups; we’re different ages and we’re wired differently. For us, we actively practice emotional intelligence in ourselves and each other. We know when we can fly, we know when to take a rest. We laugh, we share stories, we support.

We all invest time in ourselves. Some use executive coaches, we have personal trainers (often in the middle of the day), we have weekly Glow Pilates, and we check in with our personal needs. We might meet friends for lunch or leave early to get to an exercise class, do the kids’ pick-ups or to be with our family. There is no 9-5 mentality at Glow. What is key however is strong and open communication with the rest of the team, so we can all pick up and power on.

When there is one of life’s curve balls, we know we can ‘drop and go’, safe in the knowledge that not only our colleagues have got our backs but equally our client projects will still be delivered on time, with the quality expected.

Supporting our team is brilliant software and processes. We use Streamtime to manage our projects, time, scheduling, quoting, invoicing, and reporting. This is linked seamlessly to Xero where we have visibility of all finances at the drop of a hat. Our processes have been honed over the many years and they are strict. Project folders are neat and ordered and sign off forms are tight.

Within the design studio we use the latest Apple Macs with the full Adobe Suite; Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, After Effects, Premier Pro and Xd.

It is a powerful and strong studio.

We lean into your experience & knowledge

You are the souls of your brand. The knowledge of your company’s ethos and values is far superior to our understanding. So, we take time to get under the skin of your brand. We ask questions, we search for example reference points, we make sure our project briefs are completed in full.

We find out what your project outcome looks like, we ask for your objectives and we want to know what success looks like and how you will measure. We will work with you to understand the CTAs (call to actions) and ensure these are embedded into all the campaigns. And if you are unsure, we will help you craft. Your success is our success, and it’s a true partnership.

Strong Values

Lastly but probably most importantly we draw on our values every day – which are creative, human and daring. Creativity is in our blood, our DNA. We learn new creative thinking every day & we are bloomin’ good at it. But we are human as well. We know how to execute successful campaigns under pressure.

As a team we are daring and push the boundaries too. We will challenge our clients, we challenge ourselves; we are not afraid to say when something will not work and we always strive for better, to seek out the best solution and to fundamentally solve our clients’ needs.

How do you solve your client’s needs? We would love to hear about your business and how you strive for the best too.

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How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.