Mental Wellbeing at Christmas


Christmas is now just 10 days away and the excitement among many is reaching fever pitch – and if you’re one of the many households that has fallen victim to ‘elf on the shelf’ – you’re probably already exhausted!

At The Glow Studio, it’s that time of year when clients are either rushing to get projects finished by the end of the year, or want to put a hold on projects, ready to start afresh in the new year.

All of this, coupled with the various commitments at this time of year, whether that’s nativities and carol singing concerts to attend, or Christmas shopping and preparations – Christmas is always a busy time.


Christmas can be a testing time mentally, emotionally, physically and financially for many people. This year a great deal of us are feeling the fatigue and pressure brought on by nearly two years of lockdowns and a lingering pandemic. It’s okay if you’re not feeling full of joy during the festive season. We’re here to help you with your mental health.

Mental Health UK

It’s probably no surprise that Christmas can be a tipping point for many, and we’re not ashamed to admit that a few of us at The Glow Studio have experienced this first-hand.

So while we’re wishing you all a calm and relaxing festive period, we also want to share Minds’ tips for coping during Christmas. And the details of charities you can contact if you do need some support.

1. Be gentle, generous and patient with yourself at Christmas

  • It’s ok to prioritise what’s best for you, even if others don’t seem to understand.

2. Plan ahead

  • Try to plan something nice to do after Christmas. Having something to look forward to next year could make a real difference.
  • Let yourself have the things you need. For example, if you need to take a break instead of doing an activity, or need a little bit of quiet time.

3. Talk to other people

4. Get support

If you’re struggling this Christmas, you may want to find support for your mental health. There are a few ways that you can do this:

5. Give support

If there are people in your life who find Christmas difficult, Mind has some tips on how you can support them:

  • Understand that Christmas means something different to other people,
  • Let them know you understand Christmas can be difficult
  • Tell them they’re not alone.
  • Listen to what they say, and accept their feelings.
  • Ask if there are things you can start, stop or continue doing.
  • Ask them if there are particular things about Christmas that are difficult for them, and ask what they think might help.
  • Remember they aren’t trying to spoil Christmas. No one chooses to find things hard.
  • Reach out to people who might be lonely, such as someone living in a care home, a carer, or someone in hospital.


So, we’re sending you Christmas wishes from The Glow Studio and hope you stay physically and mentally fit, ready for 2022.

You can check out another one of our blogs from Mental Health Awareness Week 2021.


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