Rebrand vs Brand Refresh


Your brand is more than distinctive colours and a logo, it reflects the values of your business and represents an image your clients can relate to. It is important to regularly evaluate your brand and how you are perceived. You may realise it’s time for change, but what approach should you take? We outline the difference between a brand refresh and a full rebrand:  

Brand refresh

A brand refresh isn’t a fundamental change, it’s mostly focused on the appearance of your logo and some minor details, adjusting them according to current trends. You may need to refresh your brand if you want to update it and make it more appealing to your current audience. Refreshing may include changing your strapline, tweaking your logo and fonts, adjusting the colour palette or adding a secondary colour palette, and updating marketing materials. You can preserve the integrity of the existing brand while making it more relevant and reaching a wider audience.  

A brand refresh should be treated as an evolution, demonstrating how you’re adapting to changes, shifts and cultural learnings.  

Our blog ‘How to Enhance your Brand Image’ may help you to decide whether a brand refresh is the way to go. 


A complete rebrand is aimed to change the message and offerings of your brand and its identity, which often means creating and implementing an absolutely new marketing strategy. Rebranding is intended to completely change the image of your business. You may opt for a rebrand if you see that the current brand is no longer effective for the necessary audience, or if you fundamentally change your business.   

A rebrand should be treated as a complex and in-depth review of your business and where you are heading. 

Remember a new brand should: 

  • Reflect a company’s vision and values 
  • Be versatile and adapt and grow with your company 
  • Be meaningful in both design and personality 

We’ve created a series of questions to ask before you embark on a rebrand on our blog. 

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How can we help?

Develop powerful identities that make your brand truly unforgettable.

Leverage strategic marketing services to boost your business growth.

Deliver tailored and strategic communication solutions to effectively engage and align your audience.

Craft engaging digital experiences that captivate and connect with your audience.

Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.