Go! Southampton’s Mid-term Review


We’ve received copies of the Glow-designed, Go! Southampton Mid-term Review.

Go! Southampton is the Business Improvement District (BID) for Southampton City Centre. Working in partnership with local stakeholders, the BID’s ultimate aim is to realise Southampton’s potential as a world-class city, which will in turn benefit residents, visitors and – most of all – the businesses that fund it.

Go! Southampton reached the halfway point of its first five-year term on 30th September 2019 and Glow was asked to design its Mid-term Review document.

The Mid-term Review covers what the BID has achieved since its start date in April 2017, as well as case studies from its members’ businesses, and details of what it has in store for the remainder of its five-year term and into the future.

Glow has been working with the team at Go! Southampton for two years, including designing campaigns for its seasonal events that aim to increase footfall across the city, including Seaside in the Square, Christmas in Southampton and The Ghost Trail.

Using Go! Southampton’s existing brand, its colour palette and its relaxed-feel photography, Glow has created a visually engaging, over-sized A5 design that includes large imagery, bold colours and plenty of statistics.

The document is broken down into the three key themes of:

  • Experience
  • Marketing & Events
  • Stronger Business

Just some of the impressive stats include:


A Cleaner City Centre

98% of 3,768 reported cleaning issues have been resolved

Bringing the Streets to Life

£54,000 was spent on installing hearing loops into small businesses and GP surgeries as part of a co-funded project

Marketing & Events

Marketing the City and Businesses

There was 19% increase in footfall in the city for Christmas 2018 compared to 2016

 City Centre Events

66% of Seaside in the Square visitors came to Southampton specifically for the event

Stronger Business

Business Services

27 Businesses received free advice on reducing core business costs with £100k of savings identified

Corporate Social Responsibility

20,000 copies of the Big Issue Southampton takeover were distributed

All of this great work is set to continue, with the team working with partners on Southampton’s bid to be the UK City of Culture 2025.


Go! Southampton Mid-term Review

Go! Southampton Mid-term Review

Go! Southampton Mid-term Review

Go! Southampton Mid-term Review

Go! Southampton Mid-term Review

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