How to improve your work-life balance in 2023


Every year we all think to ourselves how can we do things differently, in a way that will improve our work-life balance. Here are five points that may help, I’m certainly going to give them a go myself, we can always make small improvements to our working processes:

1. Tidy your desk

Whether you work from home or in an office, it is important to start the new year by tidying up. If you are anything like me, your desk/office slowly but surely becomes a dumping ground. Put away or dispose of last year’s notes, documents and paperwork. If you think you need anything, save a digital copy of it on your server or whatever online storage you use. You’ll be surprised at how good it feels afterwards. Getting rid of office clutter is a rewarding and refreshing start to the new year, why not schedule 15 minutes at the end of your week to put things away and do a bit of filling, whether this is physical or digital, you’ll be surprised how good it feels.

2. Take a lunch break every day

When there are important deadlines due or last-minute changes to a project needed, preparing and eating a healthy lunch usually gets put on the back burner. Many of us will not even take lunch due to our busy schedules. It is even more difficult to step away if you work remotely, but that is where a good work-life balance comes into play. It is important you schedule time every day to step away from work and enjoy lunch. Even if you don’t feel like eating lunch, go for a walk and take a well-earned break!

3. Learn something new

Are you struggling to keep up with the latest version of Microsoft Office or Adobe CC. Maybe it’s time to learn something new and develop your skills. Try and choose something that will enhance your current job, some companies may even be willing to pay for you to take a course, especially if it is a benefit to them. If not, there are plenty of free or cheap online courses to increase your knowledge. You could also dedicate 15 minutes of your day to reading an article about your specific field.

4. Improve your to-do list

Is your to-do list currently a few scribbles on a post-it note that always happens to disappear? It’s probably time you upped your list game and organised your time a little better. You need to find the best method that works for you and is something that you will stick to. There’s loads of helpful software out there, if you work on a MAC try using Reminders to create lists and schedule your work or if you work on a PC try Microsoft To Do, both work in much the same way.

5. Be positive

Why not work on becoming a more uplifting and optimistic person as your new year’s resolution? We are all guilty of thinking the grass is greener on the other side. So, it might be time to change that mindset into a more positive one. Be grateful for where we are and the jobs we have. You’re there because you were really excited about it at one point, so let’s find that passion and make a list of what’s great about your current situation. You’ll be amazed at the difference a mindset shift can have. Make sure you focus on your mental and physical wellness and celebrate even the smallest of successes to improve your work-life balance.

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