Intern Competition Winner Announced


Our 2018 intern competition has come to an end. It has been great having an array of creative individuals join us in the design studio; seeing how each person interpreted the live brief and delivered a truly unique design.

Our interns were each given a week to work on a brief for premium leisure and tourism brand ‘Iconic Luxury Hotels’. Earlier in the year Glow teamed up with the company to create a project brief especially for the competition. Iconic Luxury Hotels is a gorgeous, relatively new brand, which brings together a small collection of exceptional hotels spread across Britain. If you’d like to find out more about the collection click here.

Although the hotels have been around for a while, the Iconic Luxury Hotels Group which unites them all, is new. So, at this stage the marketing materials for the group are fairly minimal, therefore they had a need for a brochure which would collate all the hotels in one deliverable, that shared a theme. The interns were also given the option to produce a leaflet, which would be a smaller summary of the main design piece, if time permitted.

Beautiful photography of the hotels and their amenities, along with enticing copy was provided by the client. The interns had to create an aesthetically pleasing layout, whilst tackling the challenging task of showcasing each hotel’s personality through design elements, colour choices and testimonials, all whilst retaining the Iconic Luxury Hotels branding.

In the studio we reviewed each of the interns work mid-way through the week to gain an understanding of their thoughts and ideas behind the design. Our designers then advised on how the piece could be pushed further. In true Glow style, this was followed by a couple of games of Dobble to give the interns a short break, allowing them to come back to their work with fresh eyes (if you haven’t played Dobble before, you are surely missing out!)

At the end of the week each intern presented their full concept to us, which outlined their narrative and thinking behind the designs. We were exceptionally impressed with all the interns and the standard of work was very high. Which of course meant choosing a winner was incredibly difficult … but, with the help of Iconic Hotels we made a decision. Drumroll please…

We are delighted to announce the winner of our intern competition is Lauren Wade. Congratulations Lauren!! We loved Lauren’s approach to the task. Her design was clean and minimal, yet exuberated personality and luxury. It met the brief and Lauren fitted into the studio really well, asking questions and challenging her designs. Iconic Hotels loved her design too, and if the project develops, would certainly take if further. We think it was well deserved, and Lauren should feel very proud!




We have also decided to award ‘highly commended’ design to Megan Milum. It was such a tight decision, and we really wanted to recognise Megan for her efforts. We thought Megan’s artwork was beautiful and encompassed clever elements. Her creativity really shone through with the creation of custom patterns and use of colour.



Everyone did exceptionally well, and we can’t wait for next year’s competition. If you didn’t get a chance to apply this year, keep your eyes peeled for more competitions on our website in 2019.

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