The Stubbington Ark Animal Shelter Fundraising Graphics


We have produced 40 vibrant and playful fundraising graphics for The Stubbington Ark Animal Shelter. These graphics will be used on social media to show the various targets the charity is aiming to reach for different areas of the shelter. These being, a complete rebuild and transformation of the cattery unit, day to day running of the dog unit, care for small animals, as well as a general fundraiser to cover all other aspects of the non-profit.

We previously created a poster design for the charity during the lock down period, after approaching the shelter to see if we could help and provide our design services for free. Glow’s designer, Amy Jacobs is particularly passionate about animal care, conservation and the environment, so it felt like a perfect opportunity to be able to give back a little. We were then contacted by the shelter several months later to see if we could assist with a new project. Each fundraiser needed a set of ten graphics to show how it was incrementally progressing. The graphics use a percentage bar paired with playful elements to indicate this. With each 20% increase, the animal character on the graphic changes position to give a fun and dynamic feel to the designs.

We created a new secondary palette, which features vibrant colours and subtle gradients to help differentiate between the fundraisers and to ensure the graphics would be eye catching and stand out as a person scrolls through their social feed. These colours were also purposefully selected to work successfully with the existing RSPCA and Stubbington Ark brand identities, which are well known for their royal blue colour schemes.

We love working with the Stubbington Ark, as it is a fantastic charity, which works tirelessly to help animals in need. The subject of the designs and creative freedom is also a great perk too!

About the charity

The Stubbington Ark’s aim is to rescue any animal from cruelty, neglect, accident or misfortune and provide them with an opportunity to enjoy a better life. Its animal welfare services cover 400sq. miles, including the Portsmouth and Southampton area.

The Stubbington Ark supports and maintains the objectives, principles and policies of the RSPCA and seeks to improve the welfare of animals by its own actions and by promoting responsible pet ownership.

If you’d like to support the Stubbington Ark, you can donate to them here.

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Create visually compelling designs across all mediums that resonate with your audience.

Utilise dynamic videos and animations to captivate and engage with your audience.