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Our workshop directory
Book a 60-minute workshop to quickly boost your skills in specific areas or talk through a specific challenge. These focused workshops are designed to provide practical, actionable insights you can implement immediately.
Adobe Creative Suite Basics
Learn the fundamentals of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator to enhance your design skills and unleash your creativity.
Business & Marketing Strategy
Gain essential insights into business and marketing strategies from our CEO, Lisa Lavis.
Good Brand & Design Practices
Develop a cohesive and consistent brand with best practices that improve workflow and brand integrity.
Nurturing and Wellbeing in the workplace
Empower your teams to thrive with agility and purpose by fostering a supportive and well-balanced workplace environment.
Video & Podcasts
Discover the secrets to creating compelling video content and podcasts that captivate your audience.
Change Communication
Master the art of communicating change effectively within your business and to your stakeholders.
Social Media
Use social media strategically to boost collaboration, engagement, and brand presence.